School News & Updates > Spring Newsletter

Spring Newsletter

Letter from the Headmaster

Hello Gator Families!

Spring has sprung at BA, 我们的学生已经准备好迎接2022-2023学年繁忙的最后九周! With springtime comes a renewed sense of focus, a renewed joy, and a promise of sunshine and laughter. 随着学年的结束,每个人的笑容似乎都多了一点,我们的脚步也轻松了一些.

高中的翻新和扩建计划在春假期间从面向足球场和四边形的建筑外部开始. Plans have been developed for work to begin early, with the goal of completion prior to the 2023-2024 school year. We will share more information, as it becomes available and work is on schedule.

As we progress towards May, 我想借此机会感谢我们所有的家庭,感谢你们的勤奋,让你们的孩子准时上学, and well-prepared for learning each day. This both supports and optimizes our instructional goals for each child, and aids us in helping your child be as successful as he/she can.

Current family priority registration ended on February 28. If you have not yet registered, please do so as soon as possible, as some of our classes are filling and we will begin waiting lists. New family registration begins on March 1. 请与摩根·康纳分享任何你可能知道的潜在家庭的名字和澳门银河 [email protected], as we will be sending out our new informational brochures to these families.

We are already planning for the 2023-2024 school year. Students will not be placed on class lists until they are registered. 塔拉·尼克斯(Tara Nix)已经开始与高中生会面,为他们提供学术建议和下一学年的安排, and students must be registered to attend these meetings.

我们的老师和教练正在努力开发夏季运动和学术营, and we will have that information available later in March. With spring sports beginning and the unpredictable weather, please check sports schedules often, as we usually have to reschedule games due to rain.

Upcoming events and activities, such as field days, honors programs, lower school spring fling, baccalaureate, graduation, and much more! Please check the calendar on the website for details.

We are excited to see you at BA soon!

Leisa Houghton
Head of School

Pre-K Press

By Kim Burnette, Lower School Director

学前班的学生们在新学期开始时都是端着自己的午餐托盘!  这是一件非常重要的事情,也是每个团队每年都期待的里程碑.  It is just one more way they are growing up and becoming more independent.

花一分钟时间回想一下你四岁的孩子和他们今年所取得的成就.  They are like little sponges – soaking up everything!  They are learning new things, working together with their friends and teachers, and doing things independently.  There is a lot more to come!  Spring will be a busy time at the Academy!


Lower School

100th Day of School Celebration

1月20日,澳门银河的低年级学生庆祝了他们上学的第100天. 学生和老师们盛装打扮,将“100”融入到他们的学校生活中,玩得很开心. Students brought in 100 items to share with their class, 他们数出了100种零食,并讨论了他们100岁时想做什么. We are excited to see what the next 100 days will bring!


Diamond Del

我们要感谢BA PTA为所有3 -8年级的学生提供了一次“Diamond Del’s Gem Mining Adventure”的活动。. Diamond Del 's是一个移动的宝石开采体验,让学生们能够更多地了解岩石和矿物,我们感谢我们的PTA提供了这样一个独特的学习机会.



Middle School

布洛克中学的学生们参加了2022-2023年美国革命女儿(DAR)征文比赛. 学生们写了一篇记叙文,描述1775年至1776年期间作为第二届大陆会议代表的感受. 英联中学的获奖者是凯瑟琳·琼斯(第6名)、布莱斯·帕里什(第7名)和哈珀·惠特洛克(第8名)。. 凯瑟琳·琼斯(Catherine Jones)的论文在地区一级获得了冠军,并且是2022-2023年六年级的州冠军. Congratulations to our accomplished writers!

Congratulations to Thomas Smith, 2022-2023 Bulloch Academy Middle School Spelling Bee winner, and Paisley Parrish, first runner-up. Both students competed in the GISA District Spelling Bee. 佩斯利是该地区的半决赛选手,将参加2月28日在梅肯举行的地区决选. Good luck, Paisley!


High School

STAR Student

This year, Bulloch Academy congratulated James Burke on being STAR student! PAGE STAR计划表彰乔治亚州成绩最高的高中毕业生和对他们的学术发展最有帮助的老师. To obtain the STAR nomination, 高中学生必须在SAT考试的任何一个测试日期取得最高分,并且根据平均成绩在班级中排名前10%或前10名.

詹姆斯被要求选择对他的生活和教育产生影响的明星老师. He chose Mrs. Beverly Campbell who has taught Pre-K for 47 years. “She’s one of the most dedicated and passionate people I’ve ever met, and she taught me over 14 years ago. 她会制作这些精致的布景,教我们了解丛林和外太空,以及两者之间的一切, I would feel really excited to come to school every day. That’s no small feat when you’re dealing with 4-year-olds, I think”, said James.



Black History Month

Mr. Kenneth H. Thomas
Mr. Cam Harrison- BA Graduate
Mr. Ernest Jackson- 1st African American Brick Layers in Statesboro
Mr. Marlin Thomas
Mayor Johnathon McCollar- 1st African American Mayor of Statesboro
Mr. Donald Chavers


Science Club Visits Georgia Southern 

2月9日,科学俱乐部到佐治亚南方大学进行了实地考察th with Mrs. Bailey, Chris Horton, and Dr. Bailey serving as chaperones. Nearly forty students attended the event. Students traveled to different departments to explore science in action! 每位学生都听取了四位不同科学家的演讲,并进行了一些实践活动. The following were the professors and their areas of expertise:

  1. Dr. Beati  — The Tick Museum on Loan from the Smithsonian
  2. Dr. Casler-Failing —  Robotics/Innovation Studio
  3. Dr. Smith —  Whale Paleontology
  4. Dr. Davari —  Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  5. Dr. Narendrepurpu — Organic Chemistry
  6. Dr. Radko – Environmental Geology

学生们经常被蜱虫博物馆恶心,但他们也学会了对世界各地的蜱虫进行分类和识别的重要性. Students enjoyed programming robots to do simple tasks in the Innovative Studio. Dr. 史密斯关于鲸鱼古生物学的讨论与在乔治亚州沿海平原地区发现的化石非常相关. Students went to a lab in the new Engineering Building as Dr. Davari explained some basics of electrical engineering with student interaction. Dr. 纳伦德拉普尔普演示了有机化学实验室中的大多数设备是如何工作的,以及如何使用数据来解决问题. Dr. Radko带领学生到户外讨论当地的水质问题,学生们在大学环境中帮助分析水样. 学生们表现良好,以一种非常积极的方式代表了澳门银河.

Gator WIN!
Junior, Kellen Daly, 被邀请参加西点军校的暑期领袖体验和美国海军学院的暑期研讨会!
他将参加STEM研讨会,并在西点军校和海军学院体验军事生活方式! We are proud to have him represent Bulloch Academy!
Congratulations Kellen!


Gator Guidance

By Tara Nix, Upper School Counselor

我们的高年级学生现在正走在快车道上,因为他们完成了高中生涯的最后一段. We have some outstanding students and I continue to learn from them daily. I am thankful to have come on board with this special group of students. 我希望他们继续尽最大努力去做每一件事,并庆祝他们的胜利,但也要知道他们的意义和价值,除了考试成绩或大学录取. Balance is key and we get to help them achieve that!


上个月,我们为我们的明星学生(詹姆斯·伯克)和他的明星老师(贝弗利·坎贝尔)庆祝. 我们提名了10名学生参加州长荣誉项目卡米尔·沃尔进入了半决赛. Congratulations to all!

BA continues to be a great place to host! 我们的“咖啡与对话”在一月份进行得很顺利,我们深入探讨了大学先修课程(AP)和双入学(DE)的细节。. 感谢Courtney Burnette和Jacob Ward,感谢他们解释AP,感谢Chandler Tate和Madison rawley,感谢他们告诉我们什么是双重澳门银河. 我们讨论了两者的利弊,这样学生和家长就可以做出明智的决定. 霍莉·格里森一直是典范,她的知识基础关于所有涉及是杰出的!

来自乔治亚州学生财务委员会的卡罗尔·安·洛特(Carol Ann Lott)对我们的学生和家长们提供了巨大的帮助,她帮助他们完成了复杂的FAFSA.  

我们最近在乔治亚州南部考试中心举办了SAT考试,我们将在3月22日举办SAT考试. 在接下来的几周内,我们将有来自OTC和GSU的澳门银河代表来这里帮助学生注册他们的双注册课程. I appreciate the partnership we share with the colleges. 两所大学最近都为辅导员提供早餐,他们的努力和感激令人鼓舞!

We have several things coming up for our juniors and seniors to consider. First, we have a field trip to Aspen Aerogels mid-March. OTC正与ACE合作,为有意成为电工的学生提供实习机会. 我们将于3月8日在BA举办一场招聘会,以扩大学生的知识基础,激发学生的兴趣. 我们的希望是让他们接触各种各样的职业,这样他们的选择和机会就会增加.

I encourage us all to wind up before we wind down this school year. It is going to be a fantastic spring and we get to adventure together. Chin up and hopes high as we journey through the last few months. We are stronger together and I am thankful to get to be on your team.



By Kevin Nix, Athletic Director

Winter Sports is a wrap at Bulloch Academy.  我们的大学女子篮球队又获得了一个地区冠军,在全州排名第二! Our Boy’s Varsity basketball team won the hearts of many BA faithful, they restored pride back into the program, 他们赢得了整个地区和整个州的其他球队和教练的尊重.  

The varsity wrestlers had a small team in terms of numbers, but what they accomplished was no small feat.  鳄鱼队有三名年轻人获得了地区冠军,其中两名获得了州前三名.  

Not to be outdone, our BA Archery “took aim” at the state tournament and finished in 3rd place, with two archers finishing in the top three, one in the Bullseye competition and in the 3D competition.  

我们所有的硕士项目都很有趣,因为他们每天都在进步,他们的努力代表了BA, their competitiveness, and their commitment. 摔跤手们在季末锦标赛中获得了第二名的奖杯,MS弓箭手们也在最后一场比赛中获得了金牌.

Spring has sprung! No rest for the weary.  We are sprinting to the finish, but maintaining our course to build a firm foundation, 教练们投资于年轻人的心灵和思想,帮助他们理解自己的目标,这就是证据.


Curriculum Corner

By Brandilyn Stroup, Director of Curriculum

过去的几个月对我们的学生来说是非常令人兴奋和充满学习机会的. 我们非常兴奋,在接下来的几个月里,我们的艺术课将会增加一门新的陶艺课. Mrs. Vanessa North and our art program received the stART Arts Education Grant, funded by the Georgia State Board of Education. $10,000美元被授予Bulloch学院,用于购买一个窑和其他材料,为我们的K-12学生建立陶瓷教育计划. Be on the lookout for some fun items created by students in art coming very soon!

On February 1, 我们七年级的学生前往乔治亚南方大学的阿姆斯特朗校区参加了青少年成就金融园区的模拟活动. Students participated in various lessons regarding budgeting, credit scores, and more financial literacy topics leading up to the simulation. Upon arrival at the simulation, 学生们被随机分配到一个“生活情境”,在这个情境中,他们被赋予了一个教育水平, salary, job, and family scenario. They visited various storefronts to purchase items within their budget, including housing, utilities, food, clothing, etc. 学生们还申请了汽车贷款和住房贷款,并了解了信用评分如何影响财务状况. It was a wonderful educational experience for our students! Our 6th-grade students will have a similar simulation in April, completing the Junior Achievement Biztown simulation, in which they will learn how to start and run a successful business. 我们非常感谢与Junior Achievement的新合作伙伴关系,并期待未来有更多的学生学习金融知识.


Nurse’s Notes

By Heather Dabbs, RN, BSN

I trust you all had a wonderful winter break! 在一些温暖的下午,我们被即将到来的春夏天气逗弄着. I’ve also noticed the yellow “snow” covering my car each day. Pollen and outdoor sports seasons are here, and with them come sneezing, watery eyes, runny noses, and not feeling well at times. 请注意每天准备上学,并相应地治疗过敏症状.

布洛克县卫生局将于3月下旬来巴郡进行6月的脊柱侧凸筛查门诊th and 8th graders. 你们中的许多人已经交回了你们的学生是否要接受脊柱侧凸检查的文件. If you have not, please let me know if you need another copy of the paperwork. Your student WILL be screened if you have not signed a refusal. Also, 如果您的学生正在接受脊柱侧弯医生的治疗,家长有责任为学生的永久记录提供必要的文件.

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. Our next health lesson in lower school will focus on dental care. Our Pre-K and Kindergarten students had their “annual check-up” with Dr. Marie Wall and her special friend. I hope your children told you all about Dr. Wall’s visit! 在1-5年级,我们做了一个简短的教学和一个有趣的手工来加强我们的牙科课. 如果你在家里的牙齿护理上遇到了麻烦,这是一个很好的时间来谈谈它! 我们使用的一些“牙齿”(迷你棉花糖)可能不会留在原地. 你甚至可以用这个例子来说明如果我们不好好照顾牙齿会发生什么. Our last health lesson for the year will focus on a wellness topic.

For immunization questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

As always, it’s great to “BA” gator, but it’s even better to “BA” healthy gator!

BA Community

Bulloch Academy hosted the 2023 Lifetime Legacies Ball on Saturday, January 28. Throughout the evening, 迈克·安德森家族和西尔维娅·布兰南·托马斯因其对澳门银河的贡献而被授予终身遗产. 迈克和西尔维娅都是学士学位毕业生,他们回来后继续坚定地支持学校. 当晚的节目包括一些惊喜视频,朋友和家人讲述了迈克和西尔维娅几十年来对BA社区的贡献. Through the generosity of those in attendance, over $148,000 was raised to help equip the new middle and high school classrooms. The funds raised will impact students for many years to come!


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